Age: 6 (DOB: 12/12/2016)
Hometown: Hendersonville, NC 28791
Currently in First Grade
Competition: When working up to Lorretta’s Lynn MX, racing is every weekend. After Loretta’s, Isaiah takes a small break, then races 2 to 3 weekends per month. We travel around for large races in addition to participating in local events.
I’m Isaiah Benton and I love motocross. I started riding when I was 3 years old and did my first race when I was 4. I started practicing and riding more as a 5-year-old with a goal of just making it to Loretta’s when I turned 6. I work very hard to be the best I can be, I practice a minimum of 2 days a week and before qualifiers/regionals you can see me at the track practicing Monday-Friday. I made it to Loretta’s for 2023 which accomplished my goal, unfortunately my bike broke on the first moto at Loretta’s which made it hard for a great finish but I was able to come back on my 2nd and 3rd moto for an overall top 20th position.
2024 has a whole new set of goals for me. I’ll be trying for a top 5 at Loretta’s on my favorite bike, the E-bike. I was already off to a good start practicing and racing when at the Muddy Creek VURB classic top gun showdown, I was fighting for a 1st place finish in the 4-8 “open” class when I got a little out of control and had a nasty wreck. Breaking my collarbone. Unfortunately, I’ll be missing Mini O’s this year but will be back on the bike by December 1st.
Age: 5 (DOB: 6/28/2018)
Hometown: Hendersonville, NC 28791
Currently in Kindergarten
Competition: Ariah is just getting in to competitive motocross. 2024 will be her first competitive year of
racing. Ariah will be racing at least 2 to 3 weekends out of the month. She travels around for large races
in addition to participating in local events.
I’m Ariah Benton, my absolute favorite activity is coloring but I love riding motorcycles, four wheelers or
anything that goes fast too! I started riding when I was 3 years old and did my first race right after my
4 th birthday! At the end of 2023 (5-1/2 years old) I started taking practice/racing more seriously. My
goal is to get fast for 2024 and do as many competitions as possible. I am committed to practicing at
least 3 days a week. My goal is to have a 1 st place finish for 2024.
As I get faster, I plan on reaching out for sponsorship opportunities. My ultimate goal is to train and get
very fast in 2024 to make it to the National Championship at Loretta Lynn’s for 2025.